Sunday, March 18, 2012

L C BPA NEW TEAM 2012-13

Lc Bpa held its general body meeting on 17th March at Mohindera Palace to form new team for 2012-13.Lion DR V C Luthra secy briefed the projects organised in the current year.He told the club achieved 12 award at JASHAN 2012 at Moga Region conference region X. L C Bpa was declared as the best club in the region it was seen by the lion members who attended Jashan 2012.Ist Best President,Ist Best PRO,2nd best secy,3rd best cashier award were recd by our club.Best Projects award ,lion of the year ,best club appreciation award ,shining star of region ,Best scrap Book,Best Banner award were also recd by the club.Lion Sukhnandan Aggarwal thanked all the members for this achievments
.The Presiding officer Lion Jasvinder Singh annouced the new team for 2012-13 He announed ist v President Lion Jaswant Arora as Presdent for 2012-13 1st v President Lion Kulwant Kanda

,2nd V President Lion Sant Ram Bhandari ,3rd Vice President Lion Dr Baljit Singh.The annoucement was cherred with slappings in the meeting.Club President Lion Sukhnandan Aggarwal his team lion members congratulated the new President and vice Presidents.
Lion Jaswant Arora thanked all lion members and assured that he will do his best in the coming year.Lion Jaswant Arora annouced his team Secy Lion Navdeep Sharma,Treasurer Lion Jagroop Sidhu(Jassi),PRO Lion mjf Surinder Jaidka. Lion Sukhmander Singh membership chairperson .House approved lion Subash Monga as lion tamer lion DP Bansal as tail twister.As such the team was formed ,Lions present in the house congratulated all the new members.Lion Sukhnandan Aggarwal outgoing President assured the new team full co- opration by him and his team.Lion Jaswant Aroea in his brief speach thanked all the lions he said he with the co operation of his team and lion members will do hard work to keep the status of the lions club up.He will do all the projects for the welfare of poor and public keeping lionism in his mind.In the end new team was garlanded by all the members and officials of the club. Light dinner was enjoyed by the members after National Anthem.

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