Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lions Club BPA Dental Camp 1 October 2014(Observation of Service Weel 1 Oct to 7 Oct)

As per directions of the Lion mjf Rajeev Goyal in the contest rule issued 1 october to 7 october is observed as observation of service week.The various projects like Dental Camp General Health Check up camp ,eye checkup camp,project Pride are included to be organised in this week continously,On the start of the month October 2014 we as chalked our project programmes organised Dental Camp in Spring Field School Bagha Purana. The chairman of the school Lion Nar Singh Brar running the school was greeted by the lion members as it was his birthday today.He welcome the team led by Dental Surgeon Lion  DR H S Jassal in the school.The Pricipal had arranged for  the camp.Students in the school/staff of the school/Parents of the children who were here for Parent meeting were checked by Dr HS Jassal. Those having problems in teeths were advised proper treatment.They were advised proper diet for the teeths.Dr HS Jassal gave demonstration how to use proper brush and paste.Children were told to have milk in their diet and to avoid junk food.Lion Sant Ram Bhandari President Lion Sukhmander Singh Secy of Lions Club siad club is organising project for full week.They told tomorow 2nd Oct on Gandhi Jayanti we will organise PRIDE Project in its opted school at Budh Singh Wala,Lion mjf Surinder Jaidka PRO said we are advertising to peoples to come and attend our projects for free facilities given to them.

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